
The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with

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Eskişehir Dev-Young Description

AKP Fascism Wants to Kill the Revolutionaries! Let's Not Let Fascism Kill Another Revolutionary!It is the indispensable policy of fascism to murder revolutionaries. Revolutionaries are the leaders of the people, they are the ones who give hope to the people. Fascism does not want anyone to be hope for the people. Because the way it survives is that the people are hopeless, cowardly and intimidated. That's why it does its best to take the revolutionaries over. He tries to discourage those who cannot deliver by various methods. The torture of isolation is an example of this.First, he isolates, does not...

Eskişehir Giant-Young People Wrote

The people of Eskişehir Dev-Genç wrote TUTSAK DEV-GENÇLERE FREEDOM and DEV-GENÇ articles on benches and transformers in many parks in Eskişehir. They wrote a letter to the Giant-Youths who were imprisoned on one side.Freedom to the Captive Giant-Youths!Long Live the Giant-Young Long Live the Giant-Youths< /div>

Youth Statement: Freedom for Sick Prisoner Ali Osman Köse

AliOsman KÖSE, who has been imprisoned in the isolation cells of fascism for 38 years, is a revolutionary prisoner with cancer and that is why AKP fascism is not releasing Ali Osman KÖSE. Ali Osman KÖSE became the name of the revolutionary will during the 38 years he was a prisoner, did not succumb to the attacks of fascism and lived with dignity. Ali Osman KÖSE, who was subjected to torture and junta in this process, went on hunger strikes and worsened his health day by day. Ali Osman KÖSE, whom AKP Fascism consciously tried to murder in prison conditions,...

Giant-Young People Hang Banners for Ali Osman Köse

One piece with the inscription "Let the sick prisoner Ali Osman KÖSE be released, DEV-GENÇ" in order to release the Giant-Young people, sick prisoner AliOsman KÖSE on the Istanbul/Anatolian side and to be treated by independent physicians. our work will continue until Ali Osman KÖSE is released.Freedom for Ali Osman Köse!We Want Justice, We Will Get It!Dev-Young< /div>

Wall Newspapers Hanged for Giant-Young Ali Osman Köse

DEV-Young people hung newspapers on the Anatolian side of Istanbul for the release of sick prisoner Ali Osman Köse. In the study, a total of 6 waxed wall newspapers were hung. Seeing the candlelight, the people asked about Ali Osman Köse and read the wall papers.Let the Sick Prisoner Ali Osman Köse be Released Immediately!Freedom for Sick Prisoners! We Want Justice, We Will Get It!Dev-Young

Euro-Giant Young Greece Makes Statement on its Free Prisoners

The 11 revolutionary prisoners who were unjustly imprisoned in Greece are not alone.At the request of the Greek prosecutor's office for 537 years in prison, the judge sentenced 11 Turkish revolutionaries to more than 220 years of imprisonment. they did it, but they were wrong. Because 11 Turkish revolutionaries were not the ones on trial, they were the ones on trial! The items that the Greek court accepted as evidence for membership in the organization are as follows: -Shooting the same slogans - Making a victory sign - staying in the association Like these abstract madmen, the whole court was...

Germany- Giant Youth Takes Action in Front of Turkish Consulate in Stuttgart

Today, on August 13, 2021, we, as Germany-Giant Youth, carried out an action for Ali OsmanKöse together with the German HFG-Workers.The action started and ended with our slogans in front of the Turkish consulate. We were insulted by the fascists during the action. We gave the necessary answer!Ali Osman Köse is a free prisoner who has been resisting in the prisons of fascism for 37 years. He had cancer as a result of isolation and torture. After intense efforts, they operated on our brother Ali Osman. However, it is still not in a position to meet its own needs.The unjust...

Deux samedis matin par mois, dans les locaux de L’École de la réussite, à Chartres, Lily la graphiste anime des ateliers de dessin de style manga. Elle y accueille, depuis septembre 2021, des dessinateurs en herbe, débutants ou confirmés, âgés pour la plupart de 11 à 17 ans, et « fans de manga jusque dans leur tenue ».premium Comment l'Eure-et-Loir a adopté la culture manga« Leurs dessins sont très inspirés par leurs lectures », constate cette graphiste illustratrice, qui habite à Friaize et travaille essentiellement pour des entreprises.Aimer les mangas n’est cependant pas seulement réservé aux adolescents. Lily la graphiste...