
The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with

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Giant-Young People Distributed Walking Magazine in Sarıyer Region

Dev-Genç'liler walking in Sarıyer regionThey delivered the 130th issue of the magazine to the public. A total of 30 magazines were distributed.PrisonerThey made 30 of the stamps about the release of the Dev-Young ones. Prisoner Dev-Gençli Pınar Birkoç livedThey told the public about the 19-year sentence he received for unlawfulness in places where magazines were distributed.The study took 4 hours.

Walking Magazine 132nd Issue Is Out!

div>31In March 2015, the Prosecutor of Berkin Elvan case, where do on falling,span>b>div>KillerKeep to the Cops, DHKC Warriors Dawn Plateau and Bakhtiar True Path;Prosecutor Mehmet Selim Cherry Europe's Biggest p>span>b>div>fromAt the Palace, in its Executive Sentenced! Last Year Across the intervening State,How it inside the Warrior entered p>span>b>div>WeaponHow could not find that Soka! It caused by this disastrous defeat, the AKP Revenge AlmaUndressed! p>span>b>div>DHKP-CFiles in the conspiracy by building, the prosecutor, myth, Police Mobilized By doing so,Threats and blackmail Collaborative was created! p>span>b>div>OneWith a confessor's testimony, Conspiracy Case About 200 people were hungry! p>span>b>div>ThisCollaborators from Cavite and Ilkay Yilmaz Works,...

Walking Magazine Distributed in Çayan District

On 19 August 2019, Halk Cepheliler is in Çayan District.They took an internet print out of the pdf of the walking magazine and went out for distribution.The internet where the journal's logo, editorial and online can be read.The printout, whose address is written, is available to the shopkeepers of the neighborhood and the apartments are door to door.was distributed to the public. 3 People's Front participated and an average of 3During the hour-long study, the pressures on the March Journal, the policeillegal and illegitimate threats to the printing press and unlawfulraids and arrests. Walking of the people under all conditions...

Walking Magazine 133rd Issue Is Out!

BURASIANADOLU TOPRAKLARI!HALKIMIZİTİRAFÇILIĞI, ONURSUZLUĞU, ADALETSİZLİĞİ ASLA MEŞRU GÖRMEZ, KABULLENMEZ!"SADECE ve SADECE İFTİRACI İTİRAFÇI BERK ERCAN’IN İFADESİYLEAĞIRLAŞTIRILMIŞ MÜEBBET VERİLEN MUSTAFA KOÇAK ve AİLESİ KENETLENDİ, BİR OLDU,DİRENİYOR!ANNE ZEYNEP KOÇAK: “Oğlum,bizim canımızı yaktılar. Evime, ocağıma, ciğerime ateş düşürdüler. Sen kimseyeiftira atma! Kimsenin evine, ocağına ateş düşürme! Benim gözüm yaşlı; başkaailelerin de gözleri yaşlı olmasın!”BABA HASAN KOÇAK: “Mustafa,oğlum; sen bir şey yapmadın. Sana atılan bu iftira, eninde sonunda ortayaçıkacaktır. Dayan, boyun eğme! Sana dayatılanları kabul etme! Oraya onurunlagirdin, onurunla çıkacaksın!"ADALET ve ONUR İÇİN DİRENENMUSTAFA KOÇAK, AÇLIK GREVİNİN 54. GÜNÜNDE!"POLİSTARAFINDAN İŞBİRLİĞİNE ZORLANAN TUTSAK ANNESİ KADER İNCİ:“Mustafa,adaletsizliğe karşı onurlu bir direniş başlattı. Bugün 45. Gün. Öncelikle buonurlu...

Walking Magazine 130 Issue Voiceovers Are On Air

The 130th issue of our Journal of March Against Imperialism and OligarchyWe share text voiceovers.You can download the PDF of our journal from our page,you can read.The 130th issue of our journal, dated August 4, 2019, is SESLİ.or CLICK to listen, share or download separately. Listening to the voice-overs of all issues of our magazine,To download, share, visit our Kind RegardsWalking Magazine Workers

Walking Magazine Issue 131 Text Voiceovers Are On Air

131. th anniversary of our march against imperialism and oligarchy.We share the text voiceovers of the issue.You can download the PDF of our journal from our pageYou can download, read.The 131st issue of our journal, dated August 11, 2019, is SESLITo listen, share or download your articles in bulk or separatelyCLICK. div>Listening to the voice-overs of all issues of our magazine,To download, share, visit our RegardsWalking Magazine Workers

Walking Magazine Issue 132 Text Voiceovers Are On Air

132. th anniversary of our Journal of March Against Imperialism and Oligarchy.We share the text voiceovers of the issue.You can download the PDF of our journal from our pageYou can download, read.The 131st issue of our journal, dated August 18, 2019, is SESLİTo listen, share or download your articles in bulk or separatelyCLICK.Listening to the voice-overs of all issues of our magazine,To download, share, visit our RegardsWalking Magazine Workers