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Council of Resistances: Yuksel Resistance Cannot Be Imprisoned

The Insurgents Have Been Judgment In Your Courts That Enforce Injustice!

We Will Never Give Up Our Demand For Justice!

The AKP government, which used the coup attempt that took place in our country on July 15 after its conflicts of interest, declared a state of emergency. He made an attempt to liquidate the revolutionary-democratic public workers at the first opportunity. 140 thousand public workers were expelled during this process, and their efforts for years were ignored overnight. There were also public workers who did not accept this process silently.

They started a resistance against this lawlessness in Ankara Yüksel Street. They starved, tortured, kicked, bled on the street. They raised a huge resistance. They turned the demand for our job back into a demand for justice. They became the voice of the oppressed peoples of Turkey and the oppressed peoples of the world.

For this reason, they were arrested with conspiracies. They have defended their rightness and legitimacy in every hearing that has been seen. They were released one by one at each hearing.

The same happened at the hearing on June 4th. Düzce Resistance Architect Alev Şahin and Yüksel Resistance Teacher Mehmet Dersulu, who were detained in the file, were released.

With the awareness that we are legitimate and right, we resisted resolutely against any price you want to pay. We will continue to resist. We will never accept the unjust, dirty and rotten world that fascism wants to establish, and we will never give up on our dream of a world where the people will be free, satisfied with justice and not exploited. >

We are workers, we are right, we will win!

Down with Fascism, Long Live Our Struggle!

Resistances Assembly

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