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Description of the Belgian People’s Front

Fascist AKP Government Is Responsible for the Massacre in FloodDescription of the Belgian People's Front

Not a day goes by that the news of the massacre is not heard in the country. While the pain of the fires in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions had not subsided, we woke up with a new massacre. 38 dead and 330 of our people are missing in the flood massacre in Bartın, Kastamonu and Sinop in the Western Black Sea Region. Under the fascist AKP rule, the Hess built in all the streams in the Black Sea region and the houses built in the streams in that region, the massacre took place blatantly. Despite the opposition of the people of the region against the HEPPs, the opening of the covers of the HEPPs caused the death of more of our people and the destruction of their homes.

Last Wednesday :“Attention our farmers. Flood risk is expected due to heavy rains in our region. In order to protect our facilities and lands, our dams have been closed and our regulator covers have been opened. It is obvious that the fascist AKP has no measures against the people, as can be seen in the message of “We strongly recommend that all our farmers take precautions”.

With the zoning changes 11000 times under AKP rule, it was given to its own companies and a massacre took place by building houses on the stream beds. Our condolences to our people who lost their lives in this massacre. The fascist AKP government, which perpetrated these massacres, will be held accountable to the public. Let’s call to account so that this and the next massacres do not happen. The Fascist AKP government is responsible for the Massacre in the Flood.

Belgian People’s Front

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