
The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with

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Germany Giant-Young Word of the Week

For the “Word of the Week” that we share every Sunday on our Germany Dev-Genç Instagram page, on January 10, 2021, one of our Dev-Young friend from Munich, Cemal Süreyya, commented on your words.

We share the video he prepared with you. .

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#Word of the Week

Teaching what we have learned from our esteemed poets, learning what we do not know we want. We, as Germany Dev-Genç, decided to share a poem or a word every week. In the video, we explained why we shared these “Poem / Word of the Week”.

Let’s come to Cemal Süreya’s word. The reason why we share Cemal Süreya’s Word, not his poem, is that he explained what poetry is in one sentence. At the same time, you have seen and listened to what we have learned from Cemal Süreya.

” […] Painting can also be used as furniture; novels can also be read to kill time; poetry, on the other hand, is an art that cannot be used except in its own way. It is a rebellious art. Therefore, it cannot enter the money-goods-money order, cannot move by appearing on “another special plan” in the wheel of capitalist production. Capitalist production also dismisses this field of occupation, which does not suit it, and pushes it back. Giving a place in the life forms it creates does not want him […]. “


Papyrus, August 1969

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