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TAYADLI Families Statement: The July 12 Massacre is the Persistence of the System

Massacres are one of the main reasons for the intimidation policy of fascism. Mehmet Ağar is the architect and responsible of the 12 July Massacre. Those who murdered the Revolutionaries on 12 July 1992 won the admiration of Mehmet Ağar and the hatred of the people. Fascism is a form of government in our country. Even if the governments change, massacres are always carried out in order to maintain the existing exploitative powers. These massacres are proof of the persistence of fascism. The state-mafia association, which we frequently encounter today, clearly explains the continuity of fascism. The policy of isolation in prisons, the desire to bury the sick prisoners alive in coffins, is a result of this murderous policy. Ali Osman Köse and hundreds of revolutionary prisoners held in isolation cells are kept in prisons and their treatment is prevented because they stand against the isolation policies and massacres of the AKP government. Although there are reports that they cannot be held in prison, the prisoners are wanted to be killed. Whatever the basic policy of the fascist government on July 12, 1992, is the current policy of the AKP government. Niyazi AYDIN, İbrahim ERDOĞAN, Ömer COŞKUNIRMAK, İbrahim İLÇİ, Yücel ŞİMŞEK, Zeynep Eda BERK, Nazmi TÜRKCAN, Bilal KARAKAYA, HasanELİUYGUN, Cavit ÖZKAYA, who were martyred in the 12 July Massacre. We have not forgotten and we will not forget those who murdered our children. Today and tomorrow, both our hands will be on the side of imperialism and its collaborators. We commemorate our martyrs of July 12 with respect and devotion, and we promise once again that we will carry their struggle to that great day. p>

Families with TAYAD

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