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Description of Families with TAYAD



Description of Families with TAYAD

Sick prisoners are sentenced to death in isolation cells. The fascist AKP government, which leaves sick prisoners to die in isolation cells, carries out a conscious policy. The sick prisoners, whose names we have listed, are held by force despite the reports that they cannot be held in prisons under today’s conditions.

Ali Osman Köse

Yasemin Karadağ

Sibel Balaç

Aysu Baykal

Ufuk Keskin

Fatih Özgür Aydın

Ali Osman Köse, on the other hand, is 63 years old and has been held in the prisons of Fascism for 37 years. He is a resisting revolutionary who fights with an indomitable will against massacres and oppression. Ali Osman Köse is a revolutionary, a mathematics teacher who knows his responsibility towards his people and future generations. Instead of teaching the rotten, rotten system, he is making a revolution in order to fulfill his responsibility to his people and homeland for a lifetime. He lived through the 1980 Fascist Junta years and chose to be a lifelong revolutionary for the future of his people, despite the torture he had suffered.

Ali Osman Köse is the name of the will that has devoted its life to its people since the mid-70s until today. He spent 28 years of his 37-year prison life in solitary isolation cells. He was attacked, tortured and injured dozens of times by the Fascist governments. Ali Osman Köse resisted fascism and continued his struggle with the hope of the people. Today, Ali Osman Köse is forcibly held as a cancer patient in Tekirdağ F-Type Prison No. 1, and he is wanted to be murdered. Many of Ali Osman Köse’s illnesses emerged during the long years of isolation. Brain hemorrhage, high blood pressure, hemorrhagic hemorrhoids, neurological diseases have occurred. Although all these diseases were reported separately, Tekirdağ Forensic Medicine Institute was able to give Ali Osman Köse a report that he could stay alone in prison. However, Ali Osman Köse cannot walk a distance of 5 meters without assistance. The doctor who examined Ali Osman Köse said this.” Tekirdağ Forensic Medicine Institution doctors, who reported that he could stay in prison alone, did not see or examine Ali Osman Köse. By doing this, the doctors signed the murder of the revolutionary sick prisoner. Ali OsmanKöse was operated in Edirne Trakya University Hospital as a result of the pressure of his comrades against the AKP government. Those responsible, who violated medical ethics and morals, handcuffed Ali Osman Köse to the bed after the surgery. The massacre policy of fascism killed 4000 prisoners with this method during the AKP rule. In the reply given to the application of Ali Osman Köse’s lawyers to the Constitutional Court; “Prison provides access to treatment.” It is stated that it may take 2 to 4 years for such a cancerous cell to form. The Constitution also states that “execution shall be suspended until all diseases are treated and cured.” The fascist AKP government does not hide that it puts the revolutionaries at the forefront of its policies of massacre against the people. It uses all the institutions it refutes in its policies of massacre.

The necessity of opposing the looting, robbery, murderous and corrupt state order is possible by taking the sick prisoners from the hands of the murderous AKP Fascism. It is trying to turn the country of 84 million people into a place of death and fire. The best thing we can do against bullying is to organize and fight. The best way to do this is to take Ali Osman Köse, who devoted his life to his people, defended organized struggle, resisted all kinds of bullying and the tortures of fascism, and the sick prisoners from Fascism.



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